Eric Schulte <> writes:

> writes:
>> I would like to get the same behavior as when I export a file with (say)
>> these three lines:
>> #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var foo=1 :var bar=2 :results value :exports both
>>   (+ foo bar)
>> #+end_src
>> But I'd like to set a buffer wide PROPERTY to achieve that as with a
>> file with these lines:
>> #+property: var  foo=1
>> #+property: var+ bar=2
>> #+begin_src emacs-lisp :results value :exports both
>> (+ foo bar)
>> #+end_src
> The above works on my system.  You may want to try C-c C-c on one of the
> property lines so that Org-mode re-reads them (it does this
> automatically upon opening an Org-mode file).


That did it. 

So when editting #+PROPERTY lines, C-c C-c on one of them to update the

I see this documented in org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c now.

But I missed it in the manual.



> Best,
>> it throws an error under 7.8.02 (downloaded as tar.gz) when I try to
>> export it with 'C-c C-e a yes RET' :
>>           progn: Symbol's value as variable is void: foo
>> Other trials seem to show that #+PROPERTY: is ignored by the src blocks
>> I'd really like to get something that does what BABEL used to do as I
>> have a lot of code that relies on that behavior. :-(
>> Chuck
>> ---

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