El mar, 13 dic 2011, Bastien decĂ­a:

> Dear all,
> just to advertise these two facts:
> 1. Bernt kindly put his document under GNU FDL v1.3 (or later).
> 2. Alvar (cc'ed) started a spanish translation of Bernt's doc,
>    please check the git repo here:
>    https://github.com/alvarmaciel/org-mode-doc-es
> If there are any native spanish writer/speaker, please give a hand 
> to Alvar!  Having more translations of this wonderful document will
> certainly help more people enjoy Org.
> Best,

Since my beginnings with org-mode, this text has been very helpful and
often thought of translating it, now I can assist in the update.

My first org-mode and rst talk slides:

- http://pub.osiux.com/charlas/todo-txt-rst+org-mode-slides.pdf
- http://osiux.com/todo-txt-rst+org-mode

I have a copy in rst/html format in my blog:

- http://osiux.com/raw/emacs-orgmode-organize-your-life-in-plain-text
- http://osiux.com/emacs-orgmode-organize-your-life-in-plain-text

Thanks for translation!



  Osiris Alejandro Gomez (OSiUX) os...@osiux.com.ar
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