Hi Viktor,

Viktor Rosenfeld <listuser36 <at> googlemail.com> writes:
> I don't understand why it would show today. The date is in the future
> (and it's not a deadline) and the timestamp is inactive. It should not
> show up at all, unless the variable
> org-agenda-include-inactive-timestamps is set.

What I meant is that such a task is not shown on the daily agenda
but when I use the agenda to search for all tasks, it is still in the
list even if the start date is in the future since inactive 
timestamps are not recognized by the agenda at all.

> I'm not sure how one can query for tasks that do not have a property. A
> possible work-around would be querying for all tasks and then using a
> skip function to discard those have a start date in the future.

The best way would be to to globally exclude such tasks from all
agenda searches as it is possible for tags with 
(setq org-agenda-filter-preset '("-tag")).

But as Bernt wrote this seems to be impossible right now. Or does
anybody know how to manage this?


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