On 27/12/11 21:12, Christian Moe wrote:
will do it in HTML. Full example follows below. I'll leave LaTeX to
those in the know...

Thanks. This was the "best" solution for me. I quote because the abstraction boundary between "how it's rendered" and "what I want to be rendered" is getting fuliginous. It would be much better imo to have blocks of first-class, and functions of higher-order on those blocks, so one could say (side-by-side block1 block2) and the side-by-side procedure would deal with the different format nuances. The idea is similar to that of the Henderson Escher examples in SICP[1], where you have "painters" and functions that combine "painters" in interesting ways. Might be fun to investigate how far that can go with blocks in org.

@Jambunathan: Your examples render the blocks with sizes proportional to the contained text, rather than aligning as a table. I find that aesthetically displeasing :-(

Thanks all for the help.

[1] http://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/full-text/book/book-Z-H-15.html#%_sec_2.2.4

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