tychoish <ga...@tychoish.com> writes:

> On Wed, Dec 07, 2011 at 10:50:52PM +0530, Puneeth Chaganti wrote:
>> I have a system, that does most of what you are looking for.
>> https://github.com/punchagan/blog-files
>> Though it seems to be a little more complicated than it needs to be,
>> it works for me and I haven't had the time and motivation to simplify
>> it.
> This is a commentary on the entire thread rather than on this specific
> suggestion (though it's applicable here.)
> All of these "take a git repo with text files in a lightweight markup
> language (e.g. markdown, org, rst, etc.) and build a blog/website" tools
> have this major flaw and there's no good solution:
> They rebuild all pages in the site every time you update the site. Which
> doesn't matter at all when you have 10 posts, but when you have a
> hundred posts you notice the rebuild process, and by the time you have
> 1000-1500 posts, its totally unusable. Every time you fix a comma it
> takes 1-3 minutes and nearly OOMs a VPS system to fix.
> So what's the solution?
> - Incremental builds
> - Cached build elements.
> - make-style dependency checking.
> - indexes (for tags, archives, etc.) that are
> The truth is that the part of the pipe that handles the filtering of the
> text is important, but is not particularly central or crucial in the
> grand scheme of the usability of this kind of application.
> Cheers,
> sam

Note that regular Org-mode projects [1] do *not* re-publish every single
page after an update, but rather only publish pages which have changed
since the previous publish.  Thus a git repository with a pos-update
hook which runs `org-publish' in a batch Emacs session does a good job
of publishing updates without having to re-publish the entire site.

This is the approach taken for my lab's wiki [2], which is just a git
repository [3] with a post-update hook and a couple of helper scripts
[4] which re-publish updated pages after every commit.


[1]  http://orgmode.org/manual/Publishing.html

[2]  http://wiki.adaptive.cs.unm.edu

[3]  http://gitweb.adaptive.cs.unm.edu/wiki.git

[4]  http://gitweb.adaptive.cs.unm.edu/wiki.git/tree/HEAD:/data

Eric Schulte

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