I think this is an excellent article, introducing an aspect of org-mode, which I think fills a gap that no other software I know of comes even close to approach. I already started mentioning it in conversations and am sure it will be very useful to many members of the academic community.

Just to make sure I could answer any follow up questions, I downloaded the replication bundle and started installing the dependencies. I encountered a few problems and hope this is the right place to discuss them. BTW, I am working with this on a Mac OS X 10.6 machine.

Most of the dependencies I already had or installed them from macports. One problem I encountered was with installing the RSQLite package. Executing the installation command from the README file did not work because of permission issues, the command needs to run with superuser rights. Is it possible to give these rights to commands run from babel? Since I did not find a way to do that, I installed from the R commandline, where I found that the name of the package is RSQLite, not 'RSQlite' as given in the readme file.

The one dependency I could not solve was the 'dot' executable. I assume this is an interpreter for the dot language, for which it seems the program on the Mac is named graphviz. However, I am not sure how to make that work with org/babel. Should I simply symlink to graphviz? Or is there a babel variable to be set? This is a point that probably needs some explanation, at least for Mac users (I realize that the articel might not have been intended as such a general introduction with details for all common OSses, but it would be nice if this can be gradually supplemented).

One last remark; since this is an online publication, I think using proper fontification for the examples and org source code would be even more appealing, especially for people who encounter org for the first time.

Keep up the excellent work!!


On 2012-01-27 23:43, Eric Schulte wrote:
Hopefully this will serve as the canonical introduction to working with
code blocks in Org-mode.

As we acknowledge in the paper this work would not have been possible
without the ideas and feedback of the Org-mode community, so thanks all!

Nick Dokos<nicholas.do...@hp.com>  writes:

Andreas Leha<andreas.l...@med.uni-goettingen.de>  wrote:

Hi all,

this just came into my inbox:

Great work!  Big thanks to the authors.

I remember reading it with great pleasure back when Eric posted it to
the list: beautiful stuff. I look forward to rereading it.



Christian Wittern, Kyoto

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