Carsten Dominik <> writes:

> Dear all,
> a colleague from the computer science department of our university
> saw our paper about Org-mode in the Journal of Statistical Software,
> and has asked me to give a seminar about it.
> I myself only make limited use of Org Babel myself, and I would
> have to start from scratch to prepare that presentation.  So I was
> wondering if anyone here has already given talks about Org Babel,
> and if there is some material (Slides and examples good for a talk)
> that I could use to get a fast start.
> Thanks
> - Carsten

Hi Carsten,

First thing:  I think Stephen Eglen curates a list of org mode
material.  So maybe you'll find sth there.

Also feel free to make use of my presentation at the useR2011.  But
beware, it is quite theoretical (reproducible research) and the examples
are very basic.  You can find the pdf and the sources (old babel
syntax...) here:

- Andreas

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