François Pinard <> wrote:

> Given the following header contents:
> * Problème date
> - [[*Notes][2012-02-29]]
> - [[*Notes][Du 2012-02-29]]
> here is how it is shown in the Web browser after publishing:
> I added "Du " as a prefix to get going, but the ideal would be to
> directly use 2012-02-29 as the link description.  Is there a way, or is
> it a limitation (or a bug)?

[2012-02-29] looks like an inactive date, as well as the description of
a link.  I presume the ambiguity causes this problem, so you somehow
have to disambiguate it.  Prefixing it with Du (or just about anything,
including a space) is one way to do that.

So a limitation certainly - a bug? Maybe, maybe not.


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