Rainer Stengele <rainer.steng...@online.de> writes:

> Entering "7.2.12" as an incative timestamp (C-c !)
> I get [2012-03-16 Fr].
> Entering "7.2.2012" results in [2012-02-07 Di].
> I have german settings in my emacs.
> Is there a chance to get wanted behaviour?
> "dd.mm.yy" seems to be a standard calendar date format.

I think its not possible, from org.el:

  (defconst org-time-stamp-formats '("<%Y-%m-%d %a>" . "<%Y-%m-%d %a %H:%M>")
    "Formats for `format-time-string' which are used for time stamps.
It is not recommended to change this constant.")

One solution is to customize `org-time-stamp-custom-formats'.

Use `#+STARTUP: customtime' in your file or/and set
`org-display-custom-times' to `t'. Hm, and you should read this


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