Rainer M Krug <r.m.k...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hi
> I would like to do make the file header argument to be concatenated of a 
> constant string and
> another variable, so effectively:
> #+header: :var+ ConNum="10"
> #+header: :results graphics
> #+header: :file SA_VALUEOFConNum.pdf
> #+header: :width 8
> #+header: :height 8
> #+header: :pointsize 8
> #+begin_src R
>   plot(runif(100))
> #+end_src
> [[file:SA_10.pdf]]
> Is this possible?
> Thanks,
> Rainer

Hi Rainer,

I am not aware of any method that directly does what you want.  But depending on
where the value of your variable ConNum is coming from, the
following might be a start for you.  It is based on the possibility to
insert elisp in the header arguments:

#+name: myconnum
- 19

#+header: :var ConNum=myconnum
#+header: :results graphics
#+header: :file (concat "SA_" (sbe myconnum) ".pdf")
#+header: :width 8
#+header: :height 8
#+header: :pointsize 8
#+begin_src R
  plot(runif(100), main=ConNum)



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