"Sean O'Halpin" <sean.ohal...@gmail.com> writes:

> On Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 5:39 PM, Daimrod <daim...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> If you don't want to export boilerplate you've to use :exports none in
>> it.
>> #+name: boilerplate
>> #+begin_src ruby :exports none
>> def hello
>>  "Hello World"
>> end
>> #+end_src
>> Use it
>> #+name: example
>> #+begin_src ruby :exports both :noweb strip-export
>> <<boilerplate>>
>> hello
>> #+end_src
> Thanks but that's not my problem. When I use :exports both I get the
> code but not the results output in my exported HTML.
> Do you get the "Hello World" output? If so, it looks like I'll have to
> debug my configuration.

No, you're right, I have to execute evaluate the code manually to

#+RESULTS: example
: Hello World

and then it's exported but only if the code isn't evaluated during the
export. It looks like there is a bug with in the ruby part because the
following code works as expected.

* Title
#+name: boilerplate
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports none
  (defun hello ()
    "Hello World")

Use it

#+name: example
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports both :noweb strip-export

It exports to

1 Title

Use it


Hello World

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