Memnon Anon <> writes:

> (François Pinard) writes:

>> I often cut a list item (or a hierarchy of list items) to reinsert it
>> into another heading which I know contains only list items.  All the
>> headings are collapsed, so what I usually do is position the cursor at
>> the beginning of the /next/ heading and yank the list item there, this
>> has the effect of inserting it at the end of the previous heading, no
>> need to open it.

> Mhh, why don't you just insert a newline above the next heading and yank
> then? 

Hi, Memnon :-).

Because it would induce a spurious white line.

>> However, by mistake, it happens that the cursor is on the only visible
>> bullet star of the next heading  instead of really being at the start
>> of the line. 

> I wonder how you end up "between two stars" in the first place...

Usually through Emacs C-n.

>> Of course, it is my error.  Yet, Org mode could be friendlier, here!

> Lets say 'safer'.

Safer *is* friendlier :-).

> But while "..." indicating folded content at the end
> of a line is an integral part of org, things like org-hide-leading-stars
> seemed to me always to be purely cosmetic.  Nice to have, but if one
> really edits org files by hand (it is all plain text, right),
> potentially a problem.

Agreed that it's all plain text.  Yet, this is Emacs, and Org mode is
a very powerful mode, from which people may expect a lot.


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