Here is a keyboard macro I used with some success

(fset 'org-execute-from-indirect
  (lambda (&optional arg) "Keyboard macro." (interactive "p")
(kmacro-exec-ring-item (quote ("C-c ' C-c C-c C-'" 0 "%d")) arg)))

basically it just exits the source code buffer, compiles and then
reopens the source code buffer

On 11 April 2012 16:58, Torsten Wagner <> wrote:
> Hi,
> yep me again.
> I find myself hitting C-' all the day long today and was wondering is
> there a way to keep the source code buffer open instead of closing it
> after pressing again C-'.
> Now I need to do
> * C-' open the source code buffer
> * do my changed
> * C-' close the buffer take over the changes
> * C-c C-e d export as PDF after evaluation of all code blocks
> * check the PDF
> * start over again
> All this comes with window splits and most of the time I hit C-s in
> the wrong buffer because I am so used to it to save my changes to
> files.
> I would like to make changes in the code buffer and start e.g.
> evaluation or exporting from within the source code buffer.
> That is
> * Press once C-'
> * make my changes
> * press C-c ?? to move all changes over into the org-mode buffer and
> evaluate the source code block
> or
> * press C-c ?? to move all changes over into the org-mode buffer and
> export the org-buffer
> repeat
> Is there any way to do this?
> That's it for today... promise
> Thanks
> Torsten

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