On Tue, Apr 10 2012, Karl Voit wrote:

> When I invoke the snippet using »test« followed by the TAB key,
> yasnippet correctly inserts the template. But after pressing the
> first key afterwards, I get an extra space character.
> So with »test« followed by TAB, »foo«, TAB, »bar«, I get this:
> ,----[ result with extra-space after »f« ]
> | ** f oo bar   :f oobar:
> | <Cursor>
> `----
> I am not even sure if this is an Org-mode related problem at all.
> But since I do *not* end up with extra space characters when I
> modify the template so that the two asterisks are missing (no
> heading), I am afraid that Org-mode has a problem with yasnippet (at
> least at my side).

Are you using org-indent-mode?  If so, maybe what you're seeing is
related to this outstanding bug:


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