On 11.04.2012 16:14, Eric Schulte wrote:


> Hi Bernd,
> I can't recreate this hanging issue locally (I don't have access to a
> windows box).  This sounds like an ESS issue to me since ESS seems to be
> the hanging process.  Perhaps a good first step would be to try to
> evaluate "(require 'ess) (R)" in a batch Emacs session without Emacs
> hanging.  Once this is working then it should be clear how to run ESS
> sessions from code blocks.


Thanks for your answer!

I am not sure if you had the following in mind but it again causes Emacs
to hang:

emacs -batch -l e:/config/.emacs --visit test.R --eval="(progn (require
'ess) (R) (ess-eval-buffer))"

This is test.R

---- test.R ------------------
---- test.R ------------------

I wrote another email to the ESS list, which is currently awaiting
moderator approval.

However, I am still wondering that I seem to be the first person to
stumble upon this problem...



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