
unfortunately, I have immediately run into another problem with the new
exporter (to latex) when going back to my long document (a project

I have a minimal example which illustrates the problem.  The attached
are a simple org file with the resulting latex file.  The key problem is
that the =tabular= command has an empty argument, the argument that is
meant to specify the table alignments.

Specifically,  the new exporter generates:

| \begin{center}
| \begin{tabular}{}
| \hline
| Task & Q1 & Q2 & Q3 & Q4 & Q5 & Q6 & Q7 & Q8 & Q9 & Q10 & Q11 & Q12\\

whereas the old one generates

| \begin{center}
| \begin{tabular}{lllllllllllll}
| \hline
|  Task                    &  Q1  &  Q2  &  Q3 [...]

(last line truncated by me as it was too long)

This is with org up to date from a few minutes ago (see signature).  For
the new exporter, I started emacs with -Q and then:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/git/org-mode")
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/git/org-mode/lisp")
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/git/org-mode/contrib/lisp/")
(require 'org-install)
(require 'org-export)
(require 'org-e-latex)


#+AUTHOR:    Eric S Fraga
#+DATE:      2012-01-09 Mon

#+latex_header: \newcommand{\deliverable}[1]{D\ref{deliverable:#1}}

* new exporter

  This section illustrates a simple bug in the new exporter, I think.

  The project has the following deliverables:

  1. \label{deliverable:evaporative-model} The evaporative model
  2. \label{deliverable:system-model} The system model
  3. \label{deliverable:control-model} The control model
  4. \label{deliverable:control-model-recycle} ... and with a recycle
  5. \label{deliverable:preprocessing-system} ... and with preprocessing

  The work plan for this project is shown in the following table:

  #+latex: \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.5}
  | Task                   | Q1 | Q2 | Q3                              | Q4 | Q5                         | Q6 | Q7                          | Q8                                  | Q9 | Q10 | Q11 | Q12                                |
  | \ref{sec:evaporative}  | XX | XX | XX                              |    |                            |    |                             |                                     |    |     |     |                                    |
  | \ref{sec:systems}      |    |    |                                 | XX | XX                         |    |                             |                                     |    |     | XX  |                                    |
  | \ref{sec:control}      |    |    |                                 |    |                            | XX | XX                          | XX                                  |    |     |     | XX                                 |
  | \ref{sec:desalination} |    |    |                                 |    |                            |    |                             |                                     | XX | XX  |     |                                    |
  | Deliverables           |    |    | \deliverable{evaporative-model} |    | \deliverable{system-model} |    | \deliverable{control-model} | \deliverable{control-model-recycle} |    |     |     | \deliverable{preprocessing-system} |

% Created 2012-05-06 Sun 23:21
\author{Eric S Fraga}
\date{2012-01-09 Mon}
  pdfcreator={Generated by Org mode 7.8.09 in Emacs}}


\section{new exporter}

This section illustrates a simple bug in the new exporter, I think.

The project has the following deliverables:

\item \label{deliverable:evaporative-model} The evaporative model
\item \label{deliverable:system-model} The system model
\item \label{deliverable:control-model} The control model
\item \label{deliverable:control-model-recycle} \ldots{} and with a recycle
\item \label{deliverable:preprocessing-system} \ldots{} and with preprocessing

The work plan for this project is shown in the following table:


Task & Q1 & Q2 & Q3 & Q4 & Q5 & Q6 & Q7 & Q8 & Q9 & Q10 & Q11 & Q12\\
\ref{sec:evaporative} & XX & XX & XX &  &  &  &  &  &  &  &  & \\
\ref{sec:systems} &  &  &  & XX & XX &  &  &  &  &  & XX & \\
\ref{sec:control} &  &  &  &  &  & XX & XX & XX &  &  &  & XX\\
\ref{sec:desalination} &  &  &  &  &  &  &  &  & XX & XX &  & \\
Deliverables &  &  & \deliverable{evaporative-model} &  & \deliverable{system-model} &  & \deliverable{control-model} & \deliverable{control-model-recycle} &  &  &  & \deliverable{preprocessing-system}\\
% Generated by Org mode 7.8.09 in Emacs
: Eric S Fraga (GnuPG: 0xC89193D8FFFCF67D) in Emacs
: using Org release_7.8.09-489-g541288

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