Hi Mike,

Mike McLean <mike.mcl...@pobox.com> writes:

> I have the following (amount other things) in my org-agenda-custom-commands:
> (setq org-agenda-custom-commands
>         '(("x" "test" tags-todo "+Outcome+LEVEL=4")))
> When I custom-command select “x”, I get no results. 

I tested with your `org-agenda-custom-commands' value and this

* Test
** Test1
*** Test2
**** TODO Do I see this?   :Outcome:

I correctly get :Outcome:.

This is with both the maint and master branches of the git repo.

> If I select the default, built-in lower case “m” agenda command and type
> +Outcome+LEVEL=4 I get a long list of results (as expected).

The "m" agenda command is for `tags', not `tags-todo'.

> Did something change recently in the agenda construction related to
> tags-todo?

This: http://orgmode.org/w/?p=org-mode.git;a=commit;h=c50f0c

Please help us reproduce the problem, perhaps by sharing some
of the impacted entries.



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