I previously reported this but without the word "bug" in my subject line. My mistake.

When my cursor is on an 'in buffer setting' line
 #+FOO: bar
 C-c * toggles it to
*  #+FOO: bar
i.e. a headline.

Since in buffer settings are special lines, i.e. not a headline or part of a plain list, I would expect an error so that any line starting with #+ would not and could not be converted to a headline inadvertently. (In my case I C-c *ed when I ought to have C-c C-ced.)

My set up is emacs (i386-mingw-nt6.1.7601) of 2012-02-15 on MARVIN
    org-mode 7.8.10 (was 7.8.09 when first reported)

Charlie Millar

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