** Nick Dokos [2012-05-30 03:31:02 -0400]:

> Vladimir Lomov <lomov...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> * Asymptote example

>> Hello, can someone enlighten me what's the problem with the following
>> example:

>> I want to export both the Asymptote code and its (PNG) result:
>> #+NAME: fig1
>> #+BEGIN_SRC asymptote :export code

> This should be ``:exports both''

> See
>       (info "(org) exports")

> Nick

Thanks Nick, a typo :)

I changed that and added ``:file "fig1.png"'' in header so now HTML has both: 
and image.

>> size(100);

>> draw((0,0)--(1,0)--(1,1)--cycle);
>> #+END_SRC

>> This must be the result:
>> #+CALL: fig1 :file "fig1.png"

So I don't get the idea of ``#+CALL''. It doesn't work in this case. I
thought I can show code and after small explanation the resulted
image. But seems I'm allowed to get PNG file only with BEGIN|END_SRC
block while image be placed right after the block.

I came to this:

#+NAME: fig1
#+BEGIN_SRC asymptote :exports both :results silent :file "fig1.png"


This is essential that I want.

Thanks again.

>> What I expect: the (highlighted) code and below it the resulted image.

>> I added Asymptote to the list of Babel "active" languages
>> #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
>> ;;; Before lines are skipped
>> (org-babel-do-load-languages
>>   'org-babel-load-languages
>>   '((emacs-lisp . t)
>>     (gnuplot . t)
>>     (asymptote . t)
>>     (latex . t)
>>     (perl . t)
>>     (sh . t))
>> )
>> ;;; Rest lines are too.
>> #+END_SRC

>> When I export to HTML I confirm the code evaluation,
>> but instead of the code and result I get nothing.

>> If I comment the =asymptote= setting in above code then I get the code
>> but not the image.

>> Is it limitation of Asymptote support or I do something wrong?

>> Also, I don't understand why viewer is run to show me the result of
>> code evaluation (actually I know, because of ~-V~ option passed to
>> ~asy~, but why it is passed to it?).

>> My env:
>> Emacs (compiled from BZR trunk)
>> Org-mode version 7.8.11 (=release_7.8.11-18-g244331 @ 
>> /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/org/=)

WBR, Vladimir Lomov

A prisoner of war is a man who tries to kill you and fails, and then
asks you not to kill him.
                -- Sir Winston Churchill, 1952

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