suvayu ali <> writes:

> The way I went about it was to get an overview of the capabilities from
> Worg and start using only the features I needed (in my case note taking
> and export). As I became more familiar, I delved into other features
> (like agenda, babel) and customisation of the already familiar features
> (e.g. custom export hooks, personalised colour theme etc).

And this is exactly what tells you from the start:

,----[ ]
| Simplicity
|     At its core, Org mode is a simple outliner for note-taking and list
|     management. You can learn the basics for using it in five minutes.
|     This may be all you need, and Org mode will not impose more complex
|     features on you. 

with a link to

There is also the compact guide, which is the first link on the
documentation page:

I don't know how hard org is (or is not) for emacs users; I came to
emacs because of org and started from there :). My first post to this
list is from mid 2008 (... that long already?) and it is getting more
and more complex; I could pick up new features along the way.

If you are new to org and/or emacs: Take it easy :). I know it is
tempting to try everything at once, but don't get frustrated while doing


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