Michael Welle (2012-06-12 10:40:00 +0200) wrote:

> Ivan Vilata i Balaguer <i...@selidor.net> writes:
>> Kyle Machulis (2012-06-12 03:47:40 +0200) wrote:
>>> (defadvice qdot/cfw:org-extract-summary (after cfw:org-extract-summary)
>>>   "Remove tags and filenames from item summary"
>>>   (message item))
>> I placed that and `(ad-activate 'qdot/cfw:org-extract-summary)` in my
>> `.emacs` but tags and file names are still shown by calfw after
>> restarting Emacs.  Did I miss something?
> I use a function similar to my-open-calendar from the documentation. The
> above advice doesn't seem to be called then. It is called if I use
> cfw:open-org-calendar instead. I have to look into how advices work I
> guess ;). The thing Kyle wanted to point out is that you can customise
> the item in the above advice. (message item) just prints the item to the
> status line. 

That explains the strange use of the `message` call ;) .  It didn't work
for me either (buffer `*Messages*` doesn't get anything new), but thanks
for the clarification anyway.


Ivan Vilata i Balaguer -- https://elvil.net/

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