
William Crandall <bc3141...@gmail.com> writes:

> I confess I am puzzled by the choice to drop the ability
> to apply attributes to links.

That's not a choice /per se/, merely an annoying side-effect of moving
to an overall better paradigm.

> Org input:
> --------------------------------------------------
> A paragraph with three papers, and an image:
> #+ATTR_HTML: title="Paper #1"
> [[./local/01.html][a first paper]]
> followed by
> #+ATTR_HTML: title="Paper #2"
> [[./local/02.html][a second paper]]
> which describe stuff. It then offers a cat
> #+ATTR_HTML: title="Some cats" alt="Cat image"
> [[./local/cats.png]]
> and finally a third, PDF paper
> #+ATTR_HTML: title="Paper #3"
> [[./local/03.pdf][a third paper]]
> --------------------------------------------------
> Old exporter:
> --------------------------------------------------
> <p>
> A paragraph with three papers, and an image:
> <a href="./local/01.html" title="Paper #1">a first paper</a>
> followed by
> <a href="./local/02.html" title="Paper #2">a second paper</a>
> which describe stuff. It then offers a cat
> <img src="./local/cats.png" title="Some cats" alt="Cat image" />
> and finally a third, PDF paper
> <a href="./local/03.pdf" title="Paper #3">a third paper</a>
> </p>
> --------------------------------------------------
> I believe that this ability, this specificity within
> paragraphs, is generally quite useful, and I hope that
> you will consider it for the new exporter.

I understand your problem, but inserting ATTR_HTML keywords in
a paragraph isn't possible anymore.  I cannot allow that as it would
defeat a fundamental change in the new Org syntax.

Though, I'm open to any other suggestion.  For example, link's syntax
could be extended to allow attributes, much like Babel's inline source
blocks or calls.  It would probably require many changes to core,

ATTR_HTML could also accept a list of properties that would be applied
in order to each link in the paragraph.  But it wouldn't scale well with
a large number of links.

I'm certain there are better solutions out there.


Nicolas Goaziou

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