I use Toodledo (http://toodledo.com). I've been working on org-toodledo.el that syncs todo items between an org file and the toodledo server. There are multiple other toodledo clients including one for the iPhone / iPad that work nicely.

The system works pretty well for my needs (todo list management). I do most of my work in org-mode, and use toodledo mostly just for the mobile use case (or remote when I don't have my computer).

The project is up on git:



On 6/13/12 1:00 PM, Sample Hampton wrote:

What do you use to capture when away from orgmode (in the car, on the
subway) and what system do you use to migrate those captures into
orgmode? Right now I just use a notebook and a pen--and it works fairly
well--but moving from notebook to org is certainly a pain, and I am sure
I am losing information.

What do you use? And if you use mobileorg, then how well does it work?


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