Jakob Lombacher <kont...@lombacher.net> wrote:

> That I misunderstood. I thought this URL was for cloning as well.
> Because there I got at least that error message es response.
> Using  http://orgmode.org/org-mode.git I don't get any response at all.

Did you wait long enough? http is *very* slow and there is no progress
feedback during the cloning:

| $ time git clone http://orgmode.org/org-mode.git
| Cloning into org-mode...
| real  5m5.885s
| user  0m22.610s
| sys   0m3.660s

Using the system monitor applet in Gnome, I see my (gigabit ethernet)
link getting pretty much saturated and I see regular "ticks" on the
disk, so things get trasmitted and saved, but it took more than five
minutes for the whole thing to clone (vs. 2.5 mins for a clone over git
- which also meters progress so you can that it's doing something).

OTOH, atm I'm not behind a firewall and it's conceivable that your IT
department has shut off access to orgmode somehow. I'd talk to them
about it. Also, if they provide a socks proxy, you might be able to
clone over git using socksify or tsocks and avoid the pain of http.


PS BTW, I know that git gc is recommended on local repos, but is that
   applicable to the repo on orgmode.org? and would that help with the
   cloning time?  2.5 mins seems long to me. If not gc, is there
   something else that would help?

> Is there a possibility to clone orgmode via http?
> Jakob
> 2012/6/26 Bernt Hansen <be...@norang.ca>:
> > Bernt Hansen <be...@norang.ca> writes:
> >
> >> Jakob Lombacher <kont...@lombacher.net> writes:
> >
> >>> Btw.
> >>> Here (http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contribute.html) are two different
> >>> url's given (http://orgmode.org/w/org-mode.git and
> >>> http://orgmode.org/org-mode.git). This is confusing.
> >
> >> git clone http://orgmode.org/org-mode.git
> >>
> >
> >> If you confirm that the above URL works without the /w/ I can fix the
> >> Worg page.
> >
> > I can't find any references to the http://orgmode.org/w/org-mode.git for
> > *cloning* the repository in worg.  These links are for users to browse
> > the repository online - not for cloning with git.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Bernt

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