
In my research I stumbled upon Rememberance Agent[1][2] and since it
does have a Debian package install candidate [3] I was thinking
about giving it a try.

This software (originally from MIT) seems to be quite handy and its
features seems to be a perfect companion to Org-mode.

There is also a nice video[4] where Thad Starner is using a headset
and a "mobile" version of Emacs/RA. Be aware that this was 1996!

It's a bit outdated (v2.12 2004-02-16) and after being installed on
my Ubuntu, it makes the impression that much fiddling is needed to
start indexing and stuff.

Is there somebody still using RA? Is there some tutorial or how-to
out there that helps a RA-newbie? Do you have lessons learned?


  1. http://www.remem.org/
  2. http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/RemembranceAgents
  3. http://packages.debian.org/de/sid/remembrance-agent
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-zThJX920w
Karl Voit

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