Given the org file

#+begin_src org
  ,* List Test
  ,** Plain List
  ,- A
  ,- [[][google]]
  ,- [[]]
  ,** Ordered List
  ,1. A
  ,2. [[][google]]
  ,3. [[]]
  ,** Definition List
  ,- A :: A
  ,- [[][google]] :: Google
  ,- [[]] :: google
#+end_src org

If I try to export to e-ascii =M-x org-export-dispatch RET A= I obtain
the following export (omitting TOC and title)

  1 List Test


  1.1 Plain List

    - A
    - [google]
    - []


  1.2 Ordered List

    1. A
    2. [google]
    3. []


  1.3 Definition List

    A: A
    [[][google]]: Google
    [[]]: google

This also occurs in e-html and e-latex.  In the old exporter these
would have also been formatted the same way they are in ordered and
plain lists.

Is this change by design?



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