
first I want to thank you all for org-mode 7.9! The list of changes is

While testing the new exporter we encountered problems with entities. We
tried to make ligations work. In LaTeX you write '\/' for a ligation
e.g. 'f\/ifteen'. To achieve that we set `org-entities-user':

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
  (setq org-entities-user
        '("Ligatur" "\\/" nil "" "" "" ""))

The following text is used to show the problem:

  Dies ist eine Ligatur: f\/ifteen \alpha ab\-cd.

With the old exporter the translation to LaTeX is:

  Dies ist eine Ligatur: f\/ifteen $\alpha$ ab\-cd.

Which is the expected result. With the new exporter we get:

  Dies ist eine Ligatur: f$\backslash$/ifteen $\alpha$

As you can see the shy hyphen is also wrong. But \alpha is exported
correctly. So I don't know what is happening here.

Bis neulich ...

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