I'm writing presentations for my classes using beamer export from org-mode
(which is working beautifully, btw -- it's faster than LibreOffice impress
and I get a convenient plain text archive of my slide contents to boot).

I'm authoring in Linux but I have to show the pdfs in windows. That's
generally no problem, except... this week I wanted a link on one slide to
an mp3 audio example. I entered the link in org-mode as a relative path
./blah.mp3, which either org or latex expanded to a UNIX-style full path.
(I'm guessing org.) Obviously windows would not understand the UNIX path.

The question, then: Is it possible to use relative paths for file links in
latex export? (I admit, I haven't searched for customize variables before
writing this- apologies if it's obvious. I spent most of my research time
this week setting up a mingw build environment for SuperCollider, so I'm a
bit search-fatigued I'm afraid.)


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