Currently, I do an Agenda search, then I get a list of result headlines back.

I know there's a "Show Context" feature but this is rather noisy.

I like the "Follow" mode feature, but is there a way to show more context around
the text that's shown in the Follow mode?

For example, I have window 1 and window 2 after doing a search

Search "baz"
------------ Search Results
* foo <--cursor here
* bar
* baz
---------------- Window Opened in "F" ollow mode or pressing Tab
* foo
* bar
* baz

Is there a way to show more context in the search results? Possibly
highlighting the
search term?  I know I can press "Tab", then press Tab again to open the
headline that was found, but this is many keypresses just to try to
find the text that you searched
for in the first place.


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