Hi orgees,

In March I had a go at making a "Remaining work/progress report"[1].
Having make some progress, I am looking for:

- help,
- collaborators,
- opinions on whether this would be useful enough to be worth the
- whether anyone else has something like this (but better) and
- any other wisdom,

with a view to contributing it.

Table of Contents

1 Features
2 Usage
3 How it works
4 Improvements necessary to make it truly useful

1 Features

  Attachments: minimal.el my-progress.el a.org b.org

  Currently it can make a table consisting of a mixture of the Table of
  Contents (TOC) entries and the inline tasks within each section, e.g.:

   ITEM                         Effort  CLOCKSUM  Remaining   
   .1 Heading One                           1:25              
   ... 1.1 A sub heading                    0:36              
   .        Draw a figure       1:00        0:36  0:24        
   ... 1.2 Another sub heading              0:49              
   .        Write this bit      1:20        0:49  0:31        

  Most of the code was available from various places so there is not
  much original work from me in this.

2 Usage

  - start emacs: emacs -Q -l minimal.el a.org

  - excute the emacs-lisp source blocks

  - refresh the "Remaining" properties:
    goto each property and press C-c s RET RET

  - Execute the dynamic block C-c c in "Progress table"

3 How it works

  Whenever a task is clocked in to, the value of a new "Effort" property
  is prompted for.  When the task is clocked out of, a new property
  "Remaining" is added that is the difference of Effort special property

  The buffer is exported ascii-like to get the TOC with its headline
  numbering, and is matched with corresponding lines of the captured
  column view.

4 Improvements necessary to make it truly useful

  1. include a captured column view of the INCLUDEd file b.org: the file's
     headings are included in the TOC because it uses the new exporter, but
     not in the column-view.  Maybe exporting as org first and then
     taking the column view of that buffer would work.

  2. Accumulate the time Remaining in the same way that CLOCKSUM does;
     it propagates upwards to higher level headings so that you can see
     (e.g.) how long Chapter 1 will take in total

  3. Refresh all the Remaining properties automatically

  I would really appreciate some help, particularly with 1.



[1]  http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/53567

Attachment: minimal.el
Description: application/emacs-lisp

Attachment: my-progress.el
Description: application/emacs-lisp

#+COLUMNS: %50ITEM %5Effort %5CLOCKSUM %5Remaining

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
  ;; (unload-feature 'my-progress)
  ;; (setq org-clock-in-prepare-hook nil
  ;;       org-clock-out-hook nil
  ;;       org-export-filter-final-output-functions nil)
  (load (concat default-directory "my-progress.el") nil t t)  
  (add-to-list 'org-export-filter-final-output-functions

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
  (setq org-properties-postprocess-alist
        '(("Remaining" lambda(value)
           (let ((clocksum (org-clock-sum-current-item))
                 (effort (org-duration-string-to-minutes
                          (org-entry-get (point) "Effort"))))
             (org-minutes-to-hh:mm-string (- effort clocksum))))))
  (require 'org-inlinetask)
  (add-hook 'org-clock-in-prepare-hook 'my-progress-org-mode-ask-effort 'append)
  (add-hook 'org-clock-out-hook
            (lambda () (org-set-property "Remaining" 0)) 'append)

* Heading One
** A sub heading
*************** TODO Inline ting
                CLOCK: [2012-10-10 Wed 11:07]--[2012-10-10 Wed 11:34] =>  0:27
                CLOCK: [2012-10-10 Wed 10:55]--[2012-10-10 Wed 11:04] =>  0:09
                :Effort:   1:00
                :Remaining: 0:51
*************** END

** Another sub heading
*************** TODO Write this bit
                CLOCK: [2012-10-10 Wed 11:10]--[2012-10-10 Wed 11:59] =>  0:49
                :Effort:   1:20
                :Remaining: 0:31
*************** END

** Heading with no inline tasks
*** a
    This heading could be omitted because it has no tasks.

* Heading Two
*************** TODO Finish writing under heading two
*************** END
** Sub heading that will show up in the table
*** Will this one?
*************** TODO Test
                CLOCK: [2012-10-10 Wed 11:55]--[2012-10-10 Wed 11:56] =>  0:01
                CLOCK: [2012-10-10 Wed 11:50]--[2012-10-10 Wed 11:54] =>  0:04
                :Effort:   0:20
                :Remaining: 0:14
*************** END

**** And this?
** Yet another subheading
*** A sub sub heading
    And an inline task:

*************** TODO Do an inline thing
                CLOCK: [2012-10-10 Wed 11:45]--[2012-10-10 Wed 11:50] =>  0:05
                :Remaining: 0:15
                :Effort:   0:20
*************** END
*** Another sub sub heading
**** This heading contains no tasks
   ...and so will not appear in the progress table.

#+INCLUDE: "b.org" :minlevel 1

* Progress table

#+name: progressTbl
#+BEGIN: columnview-toc :id file:/home/myles/tmp/toctbl/mwe/a.org
| ITEM                                               | Effort | CLOCKSUM | 
Remaining |   |
| .1 Heading One                                     |        |     1:25 |      
     |   |
| ... 1.1 A sub heading                              |        |     0:36 |      
     |   |
| .        Inline ting                               |   1:00 |     0:36 |      
0:51 |   |
| ... 1.2 Another sub heading                        |        |     0:49 |      
     |   |
| .        Write this bit                            |   1:20 |     0:49 |      
0:31 |   |
| ... 1.3 Heading with no inline tasks               |        |          |      
     |   |
| ...... 1.3.1 a                                     |        |          |      
     |   |
| .2 Heading Two                                     |        |     0:10 |      
     |   |
| .   Finish writing under heading two               |        |          |      
     |   |
| ... 2.1 Sub heading that will show up in the table |        |     0:05 |      
     |   |
| ...... 2.1.1 Will this one?                        |        |     0:05 |      
     |   |
| .             Test                                 |   0:20 |     0:05 |      
0:14 |   |
| ... 2.2 Yet another subheading                     |        |     0:05 |      
     |   |
| ...... 2.2.1 A sub sub heading                     |        |     0:05 |      
     |   |
| .             Do an inline thing                   |   0:20 |     0:05 |      
0:15 |   |
| ...... 2.2.2 Another sub sub heading               |        |          |      
     |   |
| .5 Progress table                                  |        |          |      
     |   |
| Total time [H:M]:                                  |   1:35 |          |      
     |   |


#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(org-export-as 'my-progress-toc)

1 Heading One
.. 1.1 A sub heading
.. 1.2 Another sub heading
.. 1.3 Heading with no inline tasks
..... 1.3.1 a
2 Heading Two
.. 2.1 Sub heading that will show up in the table
..... 2.1.1 Will this one?
.. 2.2 Yet another subheading
..... 2.2.1 A sub sub heading
..... 2.2.2 Another sub sub heading
3 Heading Three of main doc
.. 3.1 An included sub heading
.. 3.2 Yet another included subheading
..... 3.2.1 An included sub sub heading
4 Heading Four
5 Progress table
* Heading Three of main doc
** An included sub heading
** Yet another included subheading
*** An included sub sub heading
    And an inline task:

*************** TODO Yet More Do an included inline thing
                CLOCK: [2012-10-10 Wed 12:42]--[2012-10-10 Wed 13:42] =>  1:00
                :Effort:   1:30
                :Remaining: 0:30
*************** END

* Heading Four
*************** TODO Finish writing under included heading two
*************** END

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