Nicolas Goaziou <> writes:

> * Images (from manual)
>   #+caption: The black-body emission of the disk around HR 4049
>   #+name: fig:SED-HR4049
>   #+attr_latex: :options "5cm,angle=90"
>   [[./img/sed-hr4049.pdf]]
>   #+attr_latex: :float wrap :placement "{r}{0.4\\textwidth}" :options 
> "width=0.38\\textwidth"
>   [[./img/hst.png]]

I just tried this (using current head on master), but the following

#+begin_src org
#+attr_latex: :options "0.9\linewidth"


#+begin_src latex
\includegraphics[(:options 0.9linewidth)]{./prototype.pdf}
#+end_src latex

The problem is that even if I remove the ":option", then I get
"(0.9linewidth)" with extra parentheses and the backslash removed.

This is for a beamer file.

Is this a bug?


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