Hi Achim,

I'll take care of that no prob but I looked up WOrg before writing this email and I do not remember to have seen that:


Anyway, good to know it's not some server went down.



On 11/25/2012 10:22 PM, Achim Gratz wrote:
Simon Thum writes:
I tried to pull Worg and got no connection. Also ssh complained about
everything it possibly could. The remote is


Make the remote git://orgmode.org/worg.git and add (to the local or the
global) configuration:

[url "git+ssh://w...@orgmode.org/~/worg.git"]
         pushInsteadOf = git://orgmode.org/worg.git

That takes care of not using ssh when you don't need it (pull) so even
if your ssh setup is hosed you still know the server is working.  It
seems you haven't been using Worg in a while, so you will probably need
to remove the old server key from the ssh configuration and let it pick
up the new one.


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