
As an experiment, I moved my .emacs and all my personal packages into an org-file and now load it with 'org-babel-load-file. This works fine enough: the source code blocks can handle several thousand lines of code (for later splitting) without any quirks, tough editing in the org-file sure gets slow.

A couple of observations:

1. `org-babel-load-file' doesn't seem to be in the org docu. The instructions on worg are obsolete (mentions `org-install') and needlessly complicated. Just putting

(package-initialize) ;; only if you use the newest org
(require 'ob-tangle)
(org-babel-load-file "/path/to/your/org-init-file.org")

into your .emacs (no need for .emacs.d/init.el) seems to suffice.

2. Unless you are only setting variables, you want your functions to be byte-compiled. I modified `org-babel-load-file' to do that. Any reason not to?

3. While it saves some keystrokes not to have to write "tangle: yes", it seems to be at odds with `org-tangle-file (though it does respect "tangle: no").

4. When I babel-load "my-package.org", all emacs sees is the tangled "my-package.el", which of course is right. The problem, however, is that I often search for one of my functions, change it … and loose the changes the next time I start emacs (I already got zapped a couple of times). Integrating org-tangle with the emacs documentation would be tough I guess. But how about setting a read-only file locale variable to block the most stupid mistakes?

Overall, very nice. Thank you.

Florian Beck

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