Hi Brian,

Am 02.01.2013 16:36, schrieb Brian van den Broek:


Have you considered using the SD card for syncing? It is a bit more of a
hassle than syncing with a server, but it works well enough to satisfy this
owner of a tin foil hat :-)

yes and no;) I briefly thought of it and might give it a try.

Anyway, both solutions bring up a more general issue which I haven't really thought of, since I owned the smartphone only recently: the encryption of all relevant data on the smartphone (which to me seems even more important, if I carry my org-mode files on a phone).

But this is beyond this list...

Nevertheless I am courious: Do you encrypt your data in case of loss of the phone?

Thanks for the response

| G. Martin Butz, m...@mkblog.org, 0421 98749324, www.mkblog.org |

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