On Sun, Jan 13, 2013 at 1:48 PM, John Hendy <jw.he...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm trying to recreate this html:
> <a href="http://path/to/image.jpg";><img src="http://path/to/image.jpg";
> width="400px" /></a>
> My approach was like so:
> #+attr_html: width="400px"
> [[http://path/to/image.jpg][http://path/to/image.jpg]]
> From the description at using inline images
> (http://orgmode.org/manual/Images-in-HTML-export.html):
> #+begin_quote
> If the description part itself is a file: link or a http: URL pointing
> to an image, this image will be inlined and activated so that clicking
> on the image will activate the link. For example, to include a
> thumbnail that will link to a high resolution version of the image,
> you could use:
>      [[file:highres.jpg][file:thumb.jpg]]
> #+end_quote
> That sounds like my example above should work; the example indicates
> that thumb.jpg would be inlined and clicking it would send to
> highres.jpg. I'd like http://path/to/image.jpg to be inlined at 400px
> but clicking it would make the full size jpg viewable in a browser.
> I haven't changed the variable org-export-html-inline-images. It
> should be set to the default, which appears to be 'maybe.'

As usual (right after tinkering a lot and finally mailing the list),
this seems to have just started working, so I'll chalk that up to
something I goofed in my bracket syntax perhaps?

Still one issue: it's applying the attr_html to the wrong bit. Here's
the resultant export output:

#+attr_html: width="400px"


<a href="http://path/to/file.jpg"; width="400px"><img
src="http://path/to/file.jpg"; alt="file.jpg"/></a>

So the width attr is passed to the link section, not the the img.

Is this a bug?


> Thanks for any suggestions,
> John

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