@David hope you feel better soon.
On a side note,  I had trouble getting url-dav.el loaded. There was a
version in the system which was favoured all time.
I couldn't find a way to tell emacs to use the local version instead.
I ended up deleting the system version,  possibly making my package
management system upsetting later.
Maybe the readme can cover how to replace the file in a good valid way.

On Jan 27, 2013 4:07 PM, "David Engster" <d...@randomsample.de> wrote:

> Sven Bretfeld writes:
> > - progn: Could not find UID emacs207403667799062360.
> I'm currently struck with a nasty cold, so I have trouble thinking. But
> this means that it tries to find this ID in your Org files, and it does
> not seem to be there. You can try to go there by calling
> M-x org-id-goto
> and yank the above ID. Does this get you anywhere?
> If not, could you grep through your Org files and see if there's maybe
> an ID which at least is similar? Maybe some special character was
> stripped while putting the event.
> Also, the *org-caldav-debug* buffer might contain more information.
> > - void-function pop-to-buffer-same-window
> >
> > Could the last one be a function not implemented in my 23 version of
> > Emacs?
> Yes. I will have to add some compatibility code for older Emacsen.
> -David

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