Marcel van der Boom <> wrote:

> On Tue 29-Jan-2013 21:00
> "Sebastien Vauban" <> wrote:
> > Marcel van der Boom wrote:
> >> The date/time prompt, as described at [1], helps me a lot to quickly
> >> go over items and (re-)schedule or put a deadline to them. 
> >> It has bitten me a couple of times though where I typed
> >> '3-2' where my intention was to put it at the 'third of february' and
> >> ended up with something at the 'second of march'.
> >>
> >> Is there some way I could adapt the interpretation? The date
> >> format 'd-m-y' is wired into my hands apparently. 
> [...]
> > 
> > Not tested, but I would try to play with:
> > 
> > #+begin_src emacs-lisp
> >   (setq calendar-date-style 'iso) ;; or 'european
> > #+end_src
> Thanks for the suggestion. It does not make a difference. A quick
> grep/glance in the org-mode code confirms that. 

(untested) I believe you can enter dates in "european dot" notation:


but iirc you are not allowed to leave out the year. Another
possibility is

            feb 3

FWIW, I find ISO notation (with its left-to-right decrease in
significance, mirroring that of numbers) the most sensible arrangement,
and now use it almost exclusively.


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