
"Sebastien Vauban" wrote:
> Bastien wrote:
>> put your .emacs on diet :) More seriously, I would start by checking
>> org-agenda-to-appt documentation. It should be on your system. If it is not,
>> check online.
> I tried to filter to only "timestamp" entries with the following:
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp
>   (org-agenda-to-appt nil nil '(:timestamp))
> #+end_src
> But that does not work -- no error, but no event added to the appt list!
> I must not understand the &rest parameter, I guess.
>> That's what really slows down your config.
> Yes and no.
> Yes, because it's currently run at startup time, even if I put that command
> inside an eval-after-load "org-agenda" (as `org-agenda' is ultimately called
> when `org-clock-persist' is set).
> No, because no running that does not change the fact that, sooner or later,
> the Org agenda files will have to be loaded and scanned through.
> Not having that done at startup simply _add_ another 16 seconds delay to the
> computation of the first agenda view; not a gain IMO.

To be coherent with what I'm telling in this thread... that is:

- we can use Org just for note-taking, and exporting to HTML/LaTeX/etc.
- we can use it for agenda purpose only
- we can use if for clocking purpose only
- we can use it for any mix of these (at different moments in time)

... I've removed the explicit call of `(org-agenda-to-appt)' from my .emacs:
it makes no sense to search for event notifications at startup time if my
primary purpose, now, of firing up Emacs is to work on notes and documents.

However, I've left it in the `org-finalize-agenda-hook' hook, so that the
`appt-list' is fed up as soon as I begin using agenda functions.

That way, I have well removed 16 seconds from my Emacs startup time, but
they're moved for the creation of the _first_ agenda view.

IOW, the time is lost where it makes more sense, but I still have to search on
how to reduce that time.

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

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