
> Daimrod <> writes:
>> Bastien <> writes:
>>> Hi Dieter,
>>> Dieter Wilhelm <> writes:
>>>> What do you advise, what is already usable and what is the way
>>>> ahead, still bbdb or bbdb3 or already org-contacts?
>>> BBDB is great.  org-contacts.el is too slow when you have many
>>> contacts, and it is not really maintained anymore.
>> I've started to use org-contacts.el. I haven't (yet) problem with its
>> speed but I've improved the completion mecanism which prevented me to
>> use it. When I'll finish to document/comment it, I'll post it here.
> I would be very interested in having a look.

See the attached patch files. I still need to need to take into account
what could be after the cursor
      vvvvvv ATM I only use this
From: John [cursor]D
      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ But I would like to use this

But it mostly works.

> I migrated from bbdb to org-contacts, but it turned out to be too slow,
> so now I mostly isearch for the contact I want.
> Recently I've bee thinking of trying a strategy where bbdb could act as
> a cache for org-contacts, but I havent tried it yet. It shouldnt be too
> hard I think. org-contacts can generate a list of all contacts, that you
> then iterate and generate the bbdb database from. It might be a useful
> addition in any case.

I was thinking to add a cache mecanism directly to `org-contacts.el'. It
would load the content of the contacts files the first time into the
appropriate structure and then reread the files only when they changed.

Moreover, `org-contacts.el' doesn't use the new parser from
`org-element.el' ATM, and using it might improve the performance too.

PS: Sorry for the double patch files but the `org-reverse-string' part
hasn't been merged yet and I use it.

From d075570c544d89d27eb7eb53fcc46dbb627aa480 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Gr=C3=A9goire=20Jadi?= <>
Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2013 22:27:51 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Unify `org-id-reverse-string' and
 `org-babel-reverse-string' into `org-reverse-string'

* lisp/org.el (org-reverse-string): Add `org-reverse-string' to
  reverse a string.
* lisp/org-id.el(org-id-new, org-id-decode): Replace
  `org-id-reverse-string' by `org-reverse-string'.
* lisp/ob-core.el(org-babel-trim): Replace `org-babel-reverse-string'
  by `org-reverse-string' and declare it.

 lisp/ob-core.el |    9 +++------
 lisp/org-id.el  |    7 ++-----
 lisp/org.el     |    4 ++++
 3 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/ob-core.el b/lisp/ob-core.el
index bdf8c54..27f665a 100644
--- a/lisp/ob-core.el
+++ b/lisp/ob-core.el
@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@
 (declare-function org-escape-code-in-region "org-src" (beg end))
 (declare-function org-unescape-code-in-string "org-src" (s))
 (declare-function org-table-to-lisp "org-table" (&optional txt))
+(declare-function org-reverse-string "org" (string))
 (defgroup org-babel nil
   "Code block evaluation and management in `org-mode' documents."
@@ -2512,10 +2513,6 @@ If the table is trivial, then return it as a scalar."
                            (match-string 1 cell))
                       cell) t))
-(defun org-babel-reverse-string (string)
-  "Return the reverse of STRING."
-  (apply 'string (reverse (string-to-list string))))
 (defun org-babel-chomp (string &optional regexp)
   "Strip trailing spaces and carriage returns from STRING.
 Default regexp used is \"[ \f\t\n\r\v]\" but can be
@@ -2530,8 +2527,8 @@ overwritten by specifying a regexp as a second argument."
   "Strip leading and trailing spaces and carriage returns from STRING.
 Like `org-babel-chomp' only it runs on both the front and back
 of the string."
-  (org-babel-chomp (org-babel-reverse-string
-                    (org-babel-chomp (org-babel-reverse-string string) regexp))
+  (org-babel-chomp (org-reverse-string
+                    (org-babel-chomp (org-reverse-string string) regexp))
 (defvar org-babel-org-babel-call-process-region-original nil)
diff --git a/lisp/org-id.el b/lisp/org-id.el
index 39ca170..a68adcf 100644
--- a/lisp/org-id.el
+++ b/lisp/org-id.el
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ So a typical ID could look like \"Org:4nd91V40HI\"."
       (unless (org-uuidgen-p unique)
 	(setq unique (org-id-uuid))))
      ((eq org-id-method 'org)
-      (let* ((etime (org-id-reverse-string (org-id-time-to-b36)))
+      (let* ((etime (org-reverse-string (org-id-time-to-b36)))
 	     (postfix (if org-id-include-domain
 			    (require 'message)
@@ -376,9 +376,6 @@ So a typical ID could look like \"Org:4nd91V40HI\"."
 	    (substring rnd 18 20)
 	    (substring rnd 20 32))))
-(defun org-id-reverse-string (s)
-  (mapconcat 'char-to-string (nreverse (string-to-list s)) ""))
 (defun org-id-int-to-b36-one-digit (i)
   "Turn an integer between 0 and 61 into a single character 0..9, A..Z, a..z."
@@ -432,7 +429,7 @@ and time is the usual three-integer representation of time."
     (if (= 2 (length parts))
 	(setq prefix (car parts) time (nth 1 parts))
       (setq prefix nil time (nth 0 parts)))
-    (setq time (org-id-reverse-string time))
+    (setq time (org-reverse-string time))
     (setq time (list (org-id-b36-to-int (substring time 0 4))
 		     (org-id-b36-to-int (substring time 4 8))
 		     (org-id-b36-to-int (substring time 8 12))))
diff --git a/lisp/org.el b/lisp/org.el
index 460ff2e..aeb5b05 100644
--- a/lisp/org.el
+++ b/lisp/org.el
@@ -21093,6 +21093,10 @@ for the search purpose."
 		(error "Unable to create a link to here"))))
     (org-occur-in-agenda-files (regexp-quote link))))
+(defun org-reverse-string (string)
+  "Return the reverse of STRING."
+  (apply 'string (reverse (string-to-list string))))
 (defun org-uniquify (list)
   "Remove duplicate elements from LIST."
   (let (res)

From ec9f192518ae4663b3a5a3066093d9ecc66218fb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Gr=C3=A9goire=20Jadi?= <>
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2013 11:24:39 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Improve `completion-at-point' for `org-contacts.el' in

* org-contacts.el: Improve the completion part:
- When a group is found, it now replaces the name of the group by the
  addresses of the member of the group rather than appending the
- One can now complete on all part of an address and not only on the
  beginning of the name.
 contrib/lisp/org-contacts.el |  301 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 238 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-)

diff --git a/contrib/lisp/org-contacts.el b/contrib/lisp/org-contacts.el
index 8a8140c..f23d938 100644
--- a/contrib/lisp/org-contacts.el
+++ b/contrib/lisp/org-contacts.el
@@ -179,75 +179,250 @@ If both match values are nil, return all contacts."
       (let ((completion-ignore-case (not dont-fold)))
 	(complete-with-action action table string pred)))))
-(defun org-contacts-complete-name (&optional start)
+(defun org-contacts-try-completion-prefix (to-match collection &optional predicate)
+  "Like `try-completion' but:
+- works only with list and alist;
+- looks at all prefixes rather than just the beginning of the string;"
+  (loop with regexp = (concat "\\b" (regexp-quote to-match))
+	with ret = nil
+	with ret-start = nil
+	with ret-end = nil
+	for el in collection
+	for string = (if (listp el) (car el) el)
+	for start = (when (or (null predicate) (funcall predicate string))
+		      (string-match regexp string))
+	if start
+	do (let ((end (match-end 0))
+		 (len (length string)))
+	     (if (= end len)
+		 (return t)
+	       (destructuring-bind (string start end)
+		   (if (null ret)
+		       (values string start end)
+		     (org-contacts-common-substring
+		      ret ret-start ret-end
+		      string start end))
+		 (setf ret string
+		       ret-start start
+		       ret-end end))))
+	finally (return
+		 (replace-regexp-in-string "\\`[ \t\n]*" "" ret))))
+(defun org-contacts-compare-strings (s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2 &optional ignore-case)
+  "Compare the contents of two strings, using `compare-strings'.
+This function works like `compare-strings' excepted that it
+returns a cons.
+- The CAR is the number of characters that match at the beginning.
+- The CDR is T is the two strings are the same and NIL otherwise."
+  (let ((ret (compare-strings s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2 ignore-case)))
+    (if (eq ret t)
+	(cons (or end1 (length s1)) t)
+      (cons (1- (abs ret)) nil))))
+(defun org-contacts-common-substring (s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2)
+  "Extract the common substring between S1 and S2.
+This function extracts the common substring between S1 and S2 and
+adjust the part that remains common.
+START1 and END1 delimit the part in S1 that we know is common
+between the two strings. This applies to START2 and END2 for S2.
+This function returns a list whose contains:
+- The common substring found.
+- The new value of the start of the known inner substring.
+- The new value of the end of the known inner substring."
+  ;; Given two strings:
+  ;; s1: "foo bar baz"
+  ;; s2: "fooo bar baz"
+  ;; and the inner substring is "bar"
+  ;; then: start1 = 4, end1 = 6, start2 = 5, end2 = 7
+  ;;
+  ;; To find the common substring we will compare two substrings:
+  ;; " oof" and " ooof" to find the beginning of the common substring.
+  ;; " baz" and " baz" to find the end of the common substring.
+  (let* ((len1 (length s1))
+	 (start1 (or start1 0))
+	 (end1 (or end1 len1))
+	 (len2 (length s2))
+	 (start2 (or start2 0))
+	 (end2 (or end2 len2))
+	 (new-start (car (org-contacts-compare-strings
+			  (substring (org-reverse-string s1) (- len1 start1)) nil nil
+			  (substring (org-reverse-string s2) (- len2 start2)) nil nil)))
+	 (new-end (+ end1 (car (org-contacts-compare-strings
+				(substring s1 end1) nil nil
+				(substring s2 end2) nil nil)))))
+    (list (substring s1 (- start1 new-start) new-end)
+	  new-start
+	  (+ new-start (- end1 start1)))))
+(defun org-contacts-all-completions-prefix (to-match collection &optional predicate)
+  "Like `all-completions' but:
+- works only with list and alist;
+- looks at all prefixes rather than just the beginning of the string;"
+  (loop with regexp = (concat "\\b" (regexp-quote to-match))
+	for el in collection
+	for string = (if (listp el) (car el) el)
+	for match? = (when (and (or (null predicate) (funcall predicate string)))
+		       (string-match regexp string))
+	if match?
+	collect (progn
+		  (let ((end (match-end 0)))
+		    (org-no-properties string)
+		    (when (< end (length string))
+		      ;; Here we add a text property that will be used
+		      ;; later to highlight the character right after
+		      ;; the common part between each addresses.
+		      ;; See `org-contacts-display-sort-function'.
+		      (put-text-property end (1+ end) 'org-contacts-prefix 't string)))
+		  string)))
+(defun org-contacts-make-collection-prefix (collection)
+  "Makes a collection function from COLLECTION which will match
+on prefixes."
+  (lexical-let ((collection collection))
+    (lambda (string predicate flag)
+      (cond ((eq flag nil)
+	     (org-contacts-try-completion-prefix string collection predicate))
+	    ((eq flag t)
+	     ;; `org-contacts-all-completions-prefix' has already been
+	     ;; used to compute `all-completions'.
+	     collection)
+	    ((eq flag 'lambda)
+	     (org-contacts-test-completion-prefix string collection predicate))
+	    ((and (listp flag) (eq (car flag) 'boundaries))
+	     (destructuring-bind (to-ignore &rest suffix)
+		 flag
+	       (org-contacts-boundaries-prefix string collection predicate suffix)))
+	    ((eq flag 'metadata)
+	     (org-contacts-metadata-prefix string collection predicate))
+	    (t nil			; operation unsupported
+	       )))))
+(defun org-contacts-display-sort-function (completions)
+  (mapcar (lambda (string)
+	    (loop with len = (1- (length string))
+		  for i upfrom 0 to len
+		  if (memq 'org-contacts-prefix
+			   (text-properties-at i string))
+		  do (set-text-properties
+		      i (1+ i)
+		      (list 'font-lock-face
+			    (if (char-equal (aref string i)
+					    (string-to-char " "))
+				;; Spaces can't be bold.
+				'underline
+			      'bold)) string)
+		  else
+		  do (set-text-properties i (1+ i) nil string)
+		  finally (return string)))
+	  completions))
+(defun org-contacts-test-completion-prefix (string collection predicate)
+  (find-if (lambda (el)
+	     (and (or (null predicate) (funcall predicate el))
+		  (string= string el)))
+	   collection))
+(defun org-contacts-boundaries-prefix (string collection predicate suffix)
+  (list* 'boundaries (completion-boundaries string collection predicate suffix)))
+(defun org-contacts-metadata-prefix (string collection predicate)
+  '(metadata .
+	     ((display-sort-function . org-contacts-display-sort-function))))
+(defun org-contacts-complete-group (start end string)
+  "Complete text at START from a group.
+A group FOO is composed of contacts with the tag FOO."
+  (let* ((completion-ignore-case org-contacts-completion-ignore-case)
+	 (group-completion-p (org-string-match-p
+			      (concat "^" org-contacts-group-prefix) string)))
+    (when group-completion-p
+      (let ((completion-list
+	     (all-completions
+	      string
+	      (mapcar (lambda (group)
+			(propertize (concat org-contacts-group-prefix group)
+				    'org-contacts-group group))
+		      (org-uniquify
+		       (loop for contact in (org-contacts-filter)
+			     nconc (org-split-string
+				    (or (cdr (assoc-string "ALLTAGS" (caddr contact))) "") ":")))))))
+	(list start end
+	      (if (= (length completion-list) 1)
+		  ;; We've foudn the correct group, returns the address
+		  (lexical-let ((tag (get-text-property 0 'org-contacts-group
+							(car completion-list))))
+		    (lambda (string pred &optional to-ignore)
+		      (mapconcat 'identity
+				 (loop for contact in (org-contacts-filter
+						       nil
+						       tag)
+				       ;; The contact name is always the car of the assoc-list
+				       ;; returned by `org-contacts-filter'.
+				       for contact-name = (car contact)
+				       ;; Grab the first email of the contact
+				       for email = (car (split-string
+							 (or
+							  (cdr (assoc-string org-contacts-email-property
+									     (caddr contact)))
+							  "")))
+				       ;; If the user has an email address, append USER <EMAIL>.
+				       if email collect (org-contacts-format-email contact-name email))
+				 ", ")))
+		;; We haven't found the correct group
+		(completion-table-case-fold completion-list
+					    (not org-contacts-completion-ignore-case))))))))
+(defun org-contacts-complete-name (start end string)
   "Complete text at START with a user name and email."
-  (let* ((end (point))
-         (start (or start
-                    (save-excursion
-                      (re-search-backward "\\(\\`\\|[\n:,]\\)[ \t]*")
-                      (goto-char (match-end 0))
-                      (point))))
-         (orig (buffer-substring start end))
-         (completion-ignore-case org-contacts-completion-ignore-case)
-         (group-completion-p (org-string-match-p
-			      (concat "^" org-contacts-group-prefix) orig))
+  (let* ((completion-ignore-case org-contacts-completion-ignore-case)
-          (if group-completion-p
-              (mapcar (lambda (group) (propertize (concat org-contacts-group-prefix group)
-						  'org-contacts-group group))
-                      (org-uniquify
-                       (loop for contact in (org-contacts-filter)
-                             with group-list
-                             nconc (org-split-string
-                                    (or (cdr (assoc-string "ALLTAGS" (caddr contact))) "") ":"))))
-            (loop for contact in (org-contacts-filter)
-                  ;; The contact name is always the car of the assoc-list
-                  ;; returned by `org-contacts-filter'.
-                  for contact-name = (car contact)
-                  ;; Build the list of the user email addresses.
-                  for email-list = (split-string (or
-                                                  (cdr (assoc-string org-contacts-email-property
-								     (caddr contact))) ""))
-                  ;; If the user has email addresses…
-                  if email-list
-                  ;; … append a list of USER <EMAIL>.
-                  nconc (loop for email in email-list
-                              collect (org-contacts-format-email contact-name email)))))
-         (completion-list (all-completions orig completion-list)))
-    ;; If we are completing a group, and that's the only group, just return
-    ;; the real result.
-    (when (and group-completion-p
-               (= (length completion-list) 1))
-      (setq completion-list
-            (list (concat
-		   (car completion-list) ";: "
-		   (mapconcat 'identity
-			      (loop for contact in (org-contacts-filter
-						    nil
-						    (get-text-property 0 'org-contacts-group
-								       (car completion-list)))
-				    ;; The contact name is always the car of the assoc-list
-				    ;; returned by `org-contacts-filter'.
-				    for contact-name = (car contact)
-				    ;; Grab the first email of the contact
-				    for email = (car (split-string
-						      (or
-						       (cdr (assoc-string org-contacts-email-property
-									  (caddr contact)))
-						       "")))
-				    ;; If the user has an email address, append USER <EMAIL>.
-				    if email collect (org-contacts-format-email contact-name email))
-			      ", ")))))
-    (list start end
-	  (completion-table-case-fold completion-list
-				      (not org-contacts-completion-ignore-case)))))
-(defun org-contacts-message-complete-function ()
+	  (loop for contact in (org-contacts-filter)
+		;; The contact name is always the car of the assoc-list
+		;; returned by `org-contacts-filter'.
+		for contact-name = (car contact)
+		;; Build the list of the user email addresses.
+		for email-list = (split-string (or
+						(cdr (assoc-string org-contacts-email-property
+								   (caddr contact))) ""))
+		;; If the user has email addresses…
+		if email-list
+		;; … append a list of USER <EMAIL>.
+		nconc (loop for email in email-list
+			    collect (org-contacts-format-email contact-name email)))))
+    (when completion-list
+      (list start end
+	    (org-contacts-make-collection-prefix
+	     (org-contacts-all-completions-prefix
+	      string
+	      (remove-duplicates completion-list :test #'equalp)))))))
+(defun org-contacts-message-complete-function (&optional start)
   "Function used in `completion-at-point-functions' in `message-mode'."
   (let ((mail-abbrev-mode-regexp
     (when (mail-abbrev-in-expansion-header-p)
-      (org-contacts-complete-name))))
+      (lexical-let*
+	  ((end (point))
+	   (start (or start
+		      (save-excursion
+			(re-search-backward "\\(\\`\\|[\n:,]\\)[ \t]*")
+			(goto-char (match-end 0))
+			(point))))
+	   (string (buffer-substring start end)))
+	(or (org-contacts-complete-group start end string)
+	    (org-contacts-complete-name start end string))))))
 (defun org-contacts-gnus-get-name-email ()
   "Get name and email address from Gnus message."


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