I'm the developer of the Android version of MobileOrg... and you, and the
developers of the IOS app, should be aware that they retired the old
version of their api and shut it off sometime in December or January...
that could be what's keeping it from working.  It's just a guess... I had
to release a new version of MobileOrg for Android in December to update it
to use the new api.

On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 5:19 AM, Adrian Tritschler <a...@ajft.org> wrote:

> >>>>> "Benjamin" == Benjamin Alexander <b...@alexanderonline.org> writes:
> Benjamin> Hello all!  I've been a happy (!) user of Mobile-Org for some
> Benjamin> time now, on the iPhone, and a few months ago I switched to
> Benjamin> Dropbox integration.  Things have gone fine until today when I
> Benjamin> synced for the first time in a week or so.  The Dropbox
> Benjamin> password that was saved, and had worked fine (and still works
> Benjamin> from the web interface) simply gives an error message from
> Benjamin> within the "Settings" page of Mobile-Org.
> Benjamin> Dropbox Error Bad username and password or network error.
> The same thing has just happened to me.  I've been using org-mode for
> years, org-mobile on my iPhone for a couple of years (I suspect) and on
> an Android tablet for about a year.  I went away on holiday a week ago
> and had no net access, when I came back I tried to synch. the iPhone app
> and I get the same error.
> Dropbox integration from other iPhone apps still works fine, as does
> browsing via safari.
> Benjamin> The strange thing is, the Dropbox app works fine.  So it isn't
> Benjamin> a network problem (at least, not a simple case of being
> Benjamin> offline). And I've tried retyping the password, with and
> Benjamin> without a terminating <return> as the known issue from the
> Benjamin> Mobile-Org web page suggests.  The files are still on Dropbox
> Benjamin> and I can still push and pull (though there is nothing new to
> Benjamin> pull) from within emacs.
> Benjamin> I'm really stumped.  I don't even know where to look on the
> Benjamin> iPhone for log messages.  I've even tried using my old phone
> Benjamin> (which was configured to use my now discontinued webdav
> Benjamin> server) using dropbox and I get the same error.
> Benjamin> My current phone is running iOS 6.0.1 (10A523). I have not
> Benjamin> installed the new iOS update yet.  I am considering doing that
> Benjamin> to see if it helps, but I know I can't roll it back.
> Happens on my phone running iOS 6.0.1 and 6.1 (updated some time this
> afternoon)
> Benjamin> I've also considered deleting mobile-org and reinstalling, but
> Benjamin> I'm worried that mobile-org isn't in the App store anymore so
> Benjamin> I may lose all functionality!
> Benjamin> Does anyone have any suggestions?  I would really appreciate
> Benjamin> it.
> Benjamin> Best Wishes, Ben
>           Adrian
> --
> Adrian Tritschler                          mailto:a...@ajft.org
> Latitude 38°S, Longitude 145°E, Altitude 50m,      Shoe size 44

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