John Hendy <> writes:

> On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 1:22 PM, Nicolas Goaziou <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> John Hendy <> writes:
>>> Was not getting the results I expected from #+attr_latex, so I created
>>> a simplified table to test:
>>> #+begin_src org
>>> Centered (will be sent to LaTeX as =\begin{tabular}{cc}=:
>>> #+attr_latex: align=cc
>>> | test           | test |
>>> | test of longer | test |
>>> Left aligned (will be sent to LaTeX as =\begin{tabular}{ll}=:
>>> #+attr_latex: align = cc
>>> | test           | test |
>>> | test of longer | test |
>>> #+end_src
>>> If there's reason for this, I can change my habits. I guess from
>>> various tidy programming habits, I'm just in the practice of
>>> separating equal signs with surrounding white space for easier
>>> readability. For what it's worth, these two behave identically:
>>> #+attr_latex: width=5cm
>>> #+attr_latex: width = 5cm
>>> I'm not sure why the tabular align argument is behaving differently.
>> This syntax is wrong anyway. It should be:
>>   #+attr_latex: :width "5cm"
>> or
>>   #+attr_latex: :width 5cm
>> The same goes for :align. Also, for simple alignment strings, you can
>> provide align cookies within the table.
> Ah. Very good to know. Is this documented? 

It was only announced on this ML.

> This is the syntax I use for babel blocks, but I've never seen it for
> #+attr_latex. The manual also doesn't show any =:option "value"=
> methods, at least in my initial peruse:
> -
> -
> It's all in `option=value` format.
> Is your syntax (including the comment about cookies, as I haven't seen
> that in the org manual either) relevant for the old exporter, or only
> the new one? As I said, this is using the old exporter and I haven't
> migrated over yet...

The Babel-like syntax is only relevant for the new exporter.

The old exporter had some support for align cookies in table (depending
on the back-end).


Nicolas Goaziou

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