Evan Misshula <evanmissh...@gmail.com> writes:

> +1 This is great,  I wanted to do something but did not know how.  I
> am going to look at the patch.

I'm glad to know other people like it too :)

> If you have an interest in explaining to an interested Noob what you
> did. I would be grateful.


I knew I wanted something like the inlineimages STARTUP keywords. So,
I've searched in the source all references to inlineimages.

M-x moccur-grep RET inlineimages RET

I've found:
a custom variable: `org-startup-with-line-images'
an entry in `org-startup-options'

Then I've searched for `org-startup-with-inline-images' and found:
> (when org-startup-with-inline-images
>       (org-display-inline-images))

Then, I've searched the name of the function which toggled the latex
preview. C-h a latex RET then C-s preview in the *Apropos* buffer.

At this point I had everything and I just needed to copy what was done
for inlineimages and adapt it for latexpreview.

> Best,
> Evan


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