Karl Voit <devn...@karl-voit.at> writes:

> * Karl Voit <devn...@karl-voit.at> wrote:
>> I updated Org to latest git and I moved from Debian yasnippet to
>> github yasnippet (latest) and I still do have this issue.
>> So it's my set-up which is causing this effect. Damn. I guess I
>> have to debug this by disabling parts of my config ...
> So a quick test of my set-up with disabling all(!) of my Org-mode
> settings caused the same issue. Therefore, it's not my Org-mode
> set-up which is causing all this hazzle.
> Next test: «emacs -q» and I loaded only yasnippet:
> ,----
> | (defun my-load-local-el (part) ... )
> | (my-load-local-el "contrib/yasnippet/yasnippet.el") ;; load-path
> | (require 'yasnippet)
> | (setq yas/root-directory "~/.emacs.d/snippets")
> | (yas/load-directory yas/root-directory)
> `----
> And yes, I still got the issue. :-(
> I guess I have to do a bug report to yasnippet.

I think I have the newest (github) yasnippet, and doing C-h f on
yas/load-directory, it says that it is an obsolete function,
recommending yas-load-directory instead. Maybe it is worth a try.

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