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On 18/02/13 16:12, Suvayu Ali wrote:
> Hi Rainer
> On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 02:49:32PM +0100, Rainer M Krug wrote:
>> - From time to time, I have to include email references in notes in org. 
>> There is obviously 
>> org-notmuch.el, but I am not to happy with it as, when exporting the notes, 
>> the link is shown
>> but neither clickable nor the resulting email is shown in the exported 
>> document (both
>> understandable).
> This has also been an irritation of mine.  I think I will take your second 
> idea (include the
> email on export) and see if I can come-up with a patch for org-notmuch.  
> Since I'm still a
> newbie elisp programmer, this might take a while.  :-p

If there is a solution in sight, I am happy to wait a bit - email in export, 
possibly in a block
so that it is set apart from the rest of the document, would be brilliant. 
Possibly having an
option which can be set to have links exported as links or expanded on export, 
would be really nice.

>> I could also include a bash source block:
>> #+header: :results output org #+begin_src sh notmuch show 
>> thread:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX #+end_src
>> the result ooks ugly formated - if I use raw, I can not fold the result, due 
>> to strange
>> characters at the beginning of the header lines.
> Actually what you see is supposed to be easily parsed.  From the notmuch-show 
> man page:
> --format=(text|json|sexp|mbox|raw)
> text (default for messages)
> The default plain-text format has all text-content MIME parts decoded.  
> Various components in
> the output, (message, header, body, attachment, and MIME part), will be 
> delimited by 
> easily-parsed markers. Each marker consists of a Control-L character (ASCII 
> decimal 12), the
> name of the marker, and then either an opening or closing brace, ('{' or 
> '}'), to either open 
> or close the component.  For a multipart MIME message, these parts will be 
> nested.
> I'm assuming what you presently see is in text format (default).  Since you 
> are not happy with
> this, I would suggest you try the mbox format.
> [...]
> mbox
> All matching messages are output in the traditional, Unix mbox format with 
> each message being
> prefixed by a line beginning with "From " and a blank line separating each 
> message. Lines in
> the message content beginning with "From " (preceded by zero or more '>' 
> characters) have an
> additional '>' character added.  This reversible escaping is termed "mboxrd" 
> format and
> described in detail here:
> http://homepage.ntlworld.com/jonathan.deboynepollard/FGA/mail-mbox-formats.html

Haven't thought about that - should be straight forward to find a suitable 

> A quick question though, how do you plan on handling attachments, I presume 
> you want to strip
> them?

Yes - attachments should be included simply as a line "Attachment: 
NameOfAttachment" - that would
be fine.

Thanks, and I am looking forward to the new additions to org-notmuch,


> In that case you will have to parse the output anyway.
> Hope this helps,

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