Bastien writes:
>> Some functions / variables from mew should be pre-declared 
> Can you fix this?

I don't have mew installed, so no I can't.

>> or mew needs to be required.
> Mhh.. no, let's not require org-mew.el.

Actually, looking at this, it wouldn't work before mew was loaded.

> IMHO org-mew.el should not be distributed in core but in contrib,
> as it is not useful for Emacs users that are not using Mew, and
> those using Mew can install contrib/.  Same for wanderlust.

Yes, both libraries are not in Emacs.

+<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]>+

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