Mike Gauland <mikely...@no8wireless.co.nz> schrieb:

>I've been using the :wrap parameter extensively, to give me control
>over the
>formatting of results from code blocks.  For files with many such
>blocks, it
>makes sense to specify the formatting at the file level. This works
>well, unless
>I want a particular block to be unwrapped. Just specifying :wrap with
>parameter wraps the output in #+BEGIN_RESULTS...#+END_RESULTS, which is
>what I want. The only way to get what I want is to move :wrap from the
>level to each block I *do* want wrapped.
>I'd like to be able to disable wrapping for particular blocks. I've
>experimenting with code to do that, but I'm not sure what the best
>should be, and would appreciate suggestions.
>Some ideas I've considered:
>  + Have :wrap by itself disable wrapping; if you want to wrap in   
>    BEGIN_RESULTS..END_RESULTS you'll have to specify :wrap RESULTS.
>+ Use a special string (e.g., :wrap off) to disable wrapping. Of
>this makes it impossible to wrap your output in a BEGIN_OFF..END_OFF
>    should you ever want to do that.
>+ Use a special symbol instead of a string to turn off wrapping (e.g.,
>    :off)
>Kind Regards,
>Mike Gauland


I'd suggest: nowrap

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