Hi Erich,

org-exp-blocks only works with the old exporter, not the new one.  It
was removed from the master branch git repo in commit ee3b3eb on Mar 2.
I’m not clear what version of org you are using (seems it’s not master,
as the org-e-foo files have been renamed ox-foo), but you should beware
of picking up an old version of some elisp files from the org-mode that
comes bundled with emacs.

I’ve heard
(http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/64972/focus=65013) that the
new exporter supports in some way the org-exp-blocks functionality, but
I still don’t know how exactly that works.

I don’t know what is causing your error specifically, but maybe making
sure the lisp files you are loading all come from the same version of
org will help.  I *think* that you should make sure that the
installation directory for org comes first in the ‘load-path’ variable
then using just (require 'org) as Bastien suggests should do the trick.
You might need to install the org files to a directory outside of the
Emacs.app bundle, then manually add that to ‘load-path’.

Aaron Ecay

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