Dnia 2013-03-14, o godz. 18:05:21
Charles Philip Chan <cpc...@bell.net> napisaƂ(a):

> Marcin Borkowski <mb...@wmi.amu.edu.pl> writes:
> Hi Marcin:
> > I'm about to buy an Android smartphone.  Of course, I want to use
> > Org-mobile.  However, I don't use Dropbox (I use another, similar
> > service, called SpiderOak).  Is it possible to synchronize using
> > such a service?
> No currently Mobileorg does not support SpiderOak. Here is a list of
> supported methods:
>           - Sync files from an SSH server

Does this mean that if I have an account on some server, and I can log
in there through SSH, I can set it up for MobileOrg?  (Sorry for a
possibly lame question, I don't know much about networking and such

And a follow-up question: I'd like to be able to clock things on my
phone.  I can't see clocking in the feature set of MobileOrg; are there
any other Android apps to clock tasks, and is it possible to import
their data into Org?  If not, well, didn't someone mention GSoC;)?

> Charles

Thanks a lot

Marcin Borkowski
Adam Mickiewicz University

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