Hi Peder,

Peder Stray <peder.st...@gmail.com> writes:

> When calling clocktable with :block *month and :step week it splits
> into block 7 days long starting from the first day in the month...
> that's not very useful I think, so here is a patch making it split
> the month into weeks starting on mondays.  The first and last week
> will be clipped to only include the days in the selected month and as
> such will not contain the full 7 days of those weeks.

thanks for this idea and for the patch.  I just pushed a different
implementation, allowing a new :mstart parameter for clocktables,
similar to the already existing :wstart parameter.

The default for :wstart (the week starting day) is 1, for monday.
The default for :mstart (the month starting day) is 1, for the first
day of the month.

So the new default for e.g.,

  #+BEGIN: clocktable :block month :step week

is to start on the 1st of the month (ignoring :wstart) and to continue
with weeks starting on mondays.

If you use

  #+BEGIN: clocktable :block month :step week :wstart 2 :mstart 3

it will start the report on the 3rd of the month, and continue the
weekly steps starting from tuesdays.

Thanks for this idea and for the patch!


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