Eric S. Fraga writes:
> Bastien <> writes:
>> Eric S Fraga <> writes:
>>> Given that I no longer use my old syncing approach, described on that
>>> page, and instead use org-caldav, I would be happy to have the reference
>>> to org-caldav moved to the top!
>> It's a wiki, be *bold* :)
> Actually, given the recent announcement regarding the removal of caldav
> support from Google's calendar service, I think it's best to leave the
> page as it is until things settle down.

FWIW, I agree.

But I think it would be good to have a page listing free alternatives
for Google Calendar (free as in speech, not necessarily free of charge
when it comes to hosting), and how to use those with Org and Android. On
such a page, org-caldav would fit very well. I currently do not have
time to write something up, though.


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